EXPO2025 Theme Weeks

©女性が輝く「めがねのまちさばえ」 パネルディスカッション

Programme details

A three-part panel discussion will be held to present the efforts of small local cities as one role model to the world, together with diverse panelists, including the SDGs after 2030.
In the first session, the mayor of Sabae and members of the Friends of the United Nations, with whom the city collaborates, will take the stage and have a discussion with guests. Based on the background in which "women's empowerment" has taken root in Sabae City, discussion points will include topics such as the cycle of the three pillars of sustainability, economy, society, and environment, local efforts to create synergistic effects, as well as future endeavours.
The second session will be a discussion surrounding "Women's Empowerment and Manufacturing”, a project that our city is currently working on. Women who have been involved in this project and those who are active on the front lines of manufacturing in Sabae will take to the stage for a discussion focusing on the parallels between women's empowerment and the local industries.
The third session will feature members of the Sabae City Hall JK Division who embody the idea that women's empowerment leads to community empowerment. Ten years have passed since the Sabae City Hall JK Section project started in 2014, and we will be communicating to the world what these girls are thinking through their activities, what they want to do in the future, and the importance of community building and leadership from the perspective of the young people responsible for the future.

Peace, Human Security and Dignity Week

Sabae, The Glasses City Where Women Shine: Women’s Empowerment for a Better World

A three-part panel discussion. Panelists include the mayor of Sabae City, women who are active in Sabae, a city of manufacturing,the JK Division of Sabae City Hall, Friends of the United Nations, with which the municipality collaborates, and people who are leading the way in promoting SDGs from an international perspective. Starting with the history of women's success in the local industry, we will discuss current efforts and future developments to communicate to the world the importance of realizing gender equality, a key element in regional revitalization.

  • 2025.08.03[Sun]


    (Venue Open 13:30)

  • Pavilion
  • * Programme times and content are subject to change. Any changes will be announced on this website and via the ticket booking system.

©女性が輝く「めがねのまちさばえ」 パネルディスカッション


Peace, Human Security and Dignity Week


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